Another reason to look before you leap………

Found this piece on the BBC Website that quotes some US research in asserting that women are at a greater risk of suffering health damage from failed marriages than their male partners in suffering. Apparently by studying 276 couples who had been married for an average of 20 yrs, it was shown that women tended to report more depression and to be at a greater risk of showing metabolic syndrome… Whilst the underlying reasons are still not fully understood, some factors considered for being responsible include women’s more complex emotional makeup and their tendency to worry more amonst others.

With physical, collateral damage of this nature though, the more longer term effects might not even count in the long run anyways….. But then the things we do for love

Small wonder Baba Solo talk for Bible say “the way of a man with a maid” na one of the four tins wey tire am for life sef”.

45 thoughts on “Another reason to look before you leap………

  1. @Bumight – Maybe I have a nose for stuff like these…@Dabizniz — Maybe overall they do, quite possibly there were issues with the sample size… Now that's something else that needs investigation..


  2. God will be with us oh. God dey. After the man don cheat den we quarrel com divorce, then i end up with health problems.


  3. I believe the mum has high blood presure and I am sure it was from chasing my dad all over the place in cars and bikes…yes she did!She worried too much, still dont know why she should trouble herself…but I am fast becoming her…


  4. Yeah.. heard this on the radio two nights ago.. and she was a female deejay as well.. Went on and on about it, so much I had to switch stations..


  5. Meanwhile I didn't get your 'man with maid' gist..I clicked the link but there's no reference to man or maid..!Kindly enlighten moi!


  6. @African Weight Loss Diva – LOL.. Guess both parties have to be wholly committed to making it work before jumping in anyways..else there's no point fretting over it@Afrobabe — Guess our generation still has the opportunity to halt it, before it slides into terminal decline..@RocNaija — its Proverbs 30:18 & 19.. Solomon listed the way of a man with a maid as one fo the things he did not understand.. Added the link to try to shed more on the reported marriage of rihanna and chris brown…


  7. Guy please, about the pidging thing….KEEP YOUR DAY JOB!!!!!There, I feel better.Rihanna is a bigger idiot than I felt Chris Brown was. Mscheeeeew!!!I'm definitely looking before I leap


  8. I do know for sure that emotinal turmoil manifests in physical problems. Headaches, backaches, high BP, insomnia and all from the worry in your head! I try soooooooo hard not to worry but really, it's hard. Your're right in my family and friends, women worry so much more that the men I know. Shame…


  9. I suppose. I think women do worry more than men. I remember back in the days if you snuck out for a party my mother will be at the gate waiting for you! no kidding. While my dad will be watching NTA news with a mug of beer.


  10. @doug — U dey try rubbish my impeccable pidgin english abi? Ok O!!!! Infact if u vex me ehn, i go use pidgin yarn one post complete o! @RocNaija — K.. No Issues@CaramelD — Yeah.. i think it kinda runs thru most families anyways – depending on the reasons for worrying tho@poeticallytinted – lol.. now that is the classic example — pops sipping beer while mum is fretting her hair out…. @Aloofar — Guess depending on the reason, serious men might worry more.. if it was due to issues around providing for the family and stuff like that. This seems to be focused on worries due to a failed marriage.. We would expect that worrying abt stuff like providing upkeep would be less in the west than africa…thx for stopping by..


  11. Mr Man…look after yourself during dissertation season…eat right, exercise, stay away from time wasting activities like anything that is a computer game…lol


  12. Man!!! I'm not going to comment unless you ask your question oh! LOL @ Doug and the pidging English! The guy no sabi spell am sef!


  13. I've come across a similar idea before with regards to marriage itself. The groups compared were married men to single men and married women to single women. So though women may live longer than men overall, married women did worse than single women in the areas studied whereas married men did better than single men. It was suggested that men benefit from having someone looking after them in a marriage and women suffer the toll of taking on that role. I find it interesting that the same pattern shows in the reaction to strained marriages. I don't completely understand the reasons for the findings but maybe there are differences in how the genders process stress.


  14. @Bondgirl — Of course… I even went as far as uninstalling my dearly beloed FM09 from my laptop!@Funms — The things we do aight? Maybe we need to adopt a more busines like apporach to this love thingy.. Cos the potential implications are life threatening.@ NE — No mind Doug O… I don represent for that other side!@Anon — Valid point.. Guess to be absolutely sure we would need to look at all the potential variables, design a test to selectively modify one variable at a time, and seriously consider the basis of the selection of the sample size…No mean feat you'd realize…


  15. …I'm totally not surprised by the results of the research, watching the relationship btwn my parents is enuff evidence for me. My mom claims not to be bothered and all, but when she starts to "exhale" there's no stopping her; I listen for a few minutes and then plug in my Zune….I do not want to go thru wat she's experiencing, but @ d back of mind…I worry.


  16. on a brighter note, i just noticed that im ur top panelist..feels DM had better not come here!!!!!


  17. @Undercover07 — guess stuff like that happens… maybe that's why we who still have the chance need to look seriously before leaping..@Butterup — Yes you are.. I think u were my first commenter too……I'll probably just change my url and my moniker…. just to escpae detection… no thx to google!!!!


  18. No leaping for me just looking,seriously I have an aversion to getting marriedwhich is bizzarre considering my parents have been happily married for nearly 30years,


  19. @Confessions — True dat@Dabizniz — I hope so, but its unlikely to change the fact that the Manc will equal our 18 league titles…sad@Miss DM — Guess that's the spirit, looking seriously, not leaping!


  20. Baba Solo mentioned that among the things that he cannot understand……the way of a man with a young woman (Prov. 30:19d)Women are wired differently; they are more emotional and tend to internalize things….which is probably why their health risk is increasedthis same love….love, love, love


  21. damn period and labor pains are not enough, we have to also deal with this ??? Men its a hard life for a woman eh.


  22. @Have you any wool – Guess naijagirl came up with the goods on yr question@naijagirl — maybe if we added a little more hard-nosed pragmatism to the love thingy,we'd extend our lives just a wee bit@Lumidee — Would have tot so meself, but as they say numbers don't lie@Femi B — Guess its a hard life b ut any help you all can get to reduce the headaches should be grabbed aight?


  23. . . . And some women would still disagree that they are not the weaker sex. The results of a well carried out research can hardly be faulted.


  24. Ok…i decided to come back and leave a more intelligent comment like the others…lolThe results of the research dont come as news to me because i've always known that women are more sensitive when it comes to issues like this.Its just that when a woman is in love, she gives her all without holding anything back..That's why its harder for her to let go. I cant say the same for men though, im still trying to figure y'all out.Later luv!!F.


  25. Women tend to fall completely in love…and are more emotional.Me i am of the opinion that one should try and leave a stress free life whether in or out of love!Wetin woman eye dey see sef!


  26. Women tend to fall completely in love…and are more emotional.Me i am of the opinion that one should try and leave a stress free life whether in or out of love!Wetin woman eye dey see sef!


  27. I dropped a comment here last Friday but I can't find it!!! Abi is this one of's tricks!Now I don't remember what I said so I'm just dropping this to let you know I came by – Again!Nice blog!


  28. LOL… Thx for stopping by.. I could have 'sworn' that I also read and replied some comments — alas I can''t find them too.. So maybe it was blogger!


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