Thanks…….. and the list guy’s 15 items!

Blogsville peeps — Thanks for all the kind words of advice and unique insights you served up whilst I was trying to come to terms with my Journey of Rediscovery!

A big cup of coffee is currently keeping me awake, so I decided to head off to to see what they had to serve up and found this cool article which tried to list some of the different things between guys and girls..

A few items caught my attention; like the ones about girls using the restroom as a social lounge (maybe that’s why the comode seat is such a Big Issue), guys being more impulsive buyers, the 437 items in a typical girl’s bathroom and guys being pig-headed about asking for directions.. The most hillarious one had to be number eight!

31 thoughts on “Thanks…….. and the list guy’s 15 items!

  1. nah, #5 doesnt have to do with girls. ive seen some pretty stingy guys break out the calculator!i like #8…two can play that game#7 is the reason for #4no basis for #15, but #13 is soo true!


  2. coffee isnt good for ur health..interesting list, i must say..but 437 items????? common!!!or maybe im not a 'typical girl'


  3. Lol…dats one interesting list. Well, ummm some of it is true…but 437 items; I wld love to see dat bathroom. :)Hope u r feeling much better and in better spirit and state of mind.


  4. lol @ that list. most of it is true talk, but I'm sure the writer of #5 must think women just collect stuff and put it in their bathroom. 437? woreva!


  5. This list was funny and quite entertaining, but Danny oo, you didnt mention if you were a competer or completer?….hmmm


  6. I've got to agree with bumight that #5 isn't always true. Either that or I just know some very generous girls.I do love a well stocked (but well organized) bathroom, but I'm a big fan of regular purging of makeup and other products that you buy to try but don't use. And that's the difference: there are so many hair, skin and makeup products out there geared to women, products that will supposedly change our lives and I have been known to succumb (especially when it's on sale!), buy it and try it, only to find it doesn't do a darn thing (and it accumulates in the bathroom until I purge it).#9 is so true!#10 is totally a highschool thing!I may be an exception but I love giving my friends nicknames. They aren't insulting ones though, so maybe that's the difference.I liked the article, thanks for sharing!


  7. I agree with GNG and bumight, there are so many generous ladies out there.very interesting list, number 4, 7 nad 11 are so true…How are you doing on the rediscovery journey?Cheers!


  8. Absolutely agreed to 4,5(When I go out with friends and I have to foot a bill, I will take out that calculator and make sure I have everything down plus tax, lol I can't help it),7 and 8I like the new layout


  9. No 12 is so not true…My silly flatmate calls me OBD (which i'd rather die than say d meaning of it- so dont ask!) and I call her Yanshy cos she has a ass d size of a mountain!A bathroom with 437 items?! I'd loooove to own that- i'd probably never leave there!!!


  10. I agree. Indeed, guys are totally different from girls and it's so good it's that way. Imagine if we were all thesame, what would be the reason for attraction (that's why gay people make me wonder). 15 differences is gross understatement of facts . . . the list of differences is endless. I agree with you on No. 8 too. Time means nothing to the girls . . . 5 minutes could easily mean i hour and what would they say when you get angry after that one hour, "Honey, please give me five more minutes." Yes indeed, we're different. Genesis 2 makes it clearer.


  11. Fabulous! I agree with evrything in a way apart from #10. If you don't appreciate the differences then you will surely run mad!


  12. @Bumight – Yeah guess some dudes are also stingy.. Maybe its just more likely that a woman's attention to detail makes her double check? Now number 8? That never fails to rile me!@Buttercup — So i hear, abt the coffee that is.. But then wt can a bro do?@UnderCover07 – LOL, Maybe 437 is a random number.. Guess the idea is that the bathrooms have a lot of stuff…Thx.. I'm feeling and thinking way much better…@Funms/ Neffie — U never know — U might just meet one who has the full complement of 437 items…lol@Naijagirl – I'd like to admit i'm in transit.. btw the Accomodator and the Appreciator.. Guess that makes me a competer-completer?@Good Naija Girl – LOL @ the high school handwriting thing… Is it conceivable that at ome stage you might have had up to 437 items waiting for trial before purging?@Afrobabe – LOL.. Just tot I'd try my google skills on a specific issue — why/how guys and girls are different… I think I also know a couple of girls who kick cats… lol…. Guess from yr perspective, number 5 makes sense then — cos the dude is trying hard to impress?@Olufunke — LOL… Guess there'll always be differences btw people – but these are only the trends i guess..Thx — the rediscovery is progressing….albeit it slowly.. but slow and steady wins the race as they say.. Liked the new template too.. thx@Zena — Thx @Confessions — Sounds like OBD is not a particularly endearing term?@Geebee — Back in the day when I chaffeured my mother – that was a real sticking point.. All my carefully laid plans were typically chucked out the window everytime i had to do that.. But then she's my Mother and I owe her a lot anyways… I just lump it…@CaramelD — Yea… so right.. Have to factor in the differences or else one could just go berserk. Thx – also loved the new look.. My kid sister stumbled on the blog.. and said the black looked depressing!


  13. I HATE cats or anything not human as a matter of fact. And even humans gon sef get as e bi.As for No.13, yeh a lot of ladies need a reality check! If dude was a chronic cheat before getting married, he's not gonna change becos u got married to him and had his kids.


  14. im really not one to give advice..i know coke and chocolate are bad for me but do i stay away? no. i honestly do try


  15. and im making progress on the chocolate thing..before, i used to eat it every damn day, now i only have when i go to the no, dont tell me i go to the movies often!


  16. The part about restrooms is sooooo true. Why the heck would I want to talk to someone who has his pecker out?!! Huh?? The thought of it alone is disturbing!!!And you know, that nickname thing is really true. And in my clueless manner, I have made the unforgivable blunder of calling several girls "dude".


  17. @Buttercup — LOL.. Good you're making progress — But the movies? No wahala..@Doug — Hey bro only sound logical aight? At least i think so too…..Calling a girl dude, they must have called for your head in a Herodias-esque manner… LOL>. Chnage really is curious aight?


  18. I grew up with 3 brothers and no sister. I suppose there are differences between us and our ways of doing things but to me all those were as a result of our varying individual personalities, idiosyncrasies and biology of course. I guess I have been particularly insulated from the whole girlz are supposed to act a certain way while boyz are supposed to act another way mentality. Truth is, it's not a part of my daily existence. I have female friends who pay without thinking, and I have male friends who count every penny and vice versa. 99 out of a 100 times I go into a public restroom just to pee. No socialising. I don't even remember who I saw in there when I come out. I love soccer and formula 1, I always have. I keep to time, or at least I try. I don't have bottles of mysterious stuff in my bathroom. In fact my ex had more stuff in MY bathroom than me. Sometimes I cry sometimes I don't, I got really high grades in mathematics. I don't make a physical list of things to buy, i make a mental list and then proceed to throw in whatever catches my fancy. But then, I am prone to depression, I clean my house obsessively not to impress people but to keep my mind off things, I ask for directions even when I know the way… I suppose there are behaviours typical to particular gender types but the truth is I couldn't ever sit and enumerate them if my life depended on it. I am who I am, period.Having said this, I must say my whole being bucks at number 13. I can't help it.


  19. just read ur previous post,those words by micheal smiths always gets me when i listen to him sing it….and yes, the restroom is the club within the club, thats where ladies let loose and rehearse their steps…where we gossip and curse and cry our eyes out when u've just sighted ur boyfriend with another lady…lol or make that hasty call to ur girlfriends to say how cool the date is, or how nayyy it's going, we exchange tampa in there like its cigarettes we're passing(too much info)and we…and we….you see, the restroom is all that and


  20. @poeticallytinted — myabe its cos u've been "insulated from the whole girl thing". Thanks for stopping by..@Fantasy Queen — lol — the MWSmith song just captured the way i felt at the @ yr restroom antics!@buttercup — lol — nope, not forgotten the fabulous shoe line, jut preserving it, so that it will have more impact when its launched — briefed the commercial folks to come up with some snazzy re-branding plan..


  21. I guess I am half man and half woman, thanks dad for naming me after you and ruining my totally feminine side. (wouldn't it be cool to end this with a smiley face…i love smiley faces but only have 4 items in my bathroom)


  22. @Lati — LOL….. Trust you wowed them again with the job things?@Buttercup — Molte Grazie..@Femi B — LOL… Only four items? Now that's totally gong against the grain.. Thx for stopping by


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