NaPoWriMo 2020 – Day 9: Perfect Day

The prompt for today is to write a ‘concrete’ poem, one whose words and space are organised to reflect the theme of the poem. I went with the theme of a prayer and a perfect day. If you squint hard enough, you’ll see the shape is reminiscent of hands folded in prayer 🙂


First, awake
to the sounds of
birds chirping, the lilt
of their spring song reminding
you of rebirth. Kneel in quiet contemplation-
yield to the embrace of the rising sun, let its light
call out to the prayer lurking in the dark places of your tired heart.
When morning morphs into the heat of high noon, cherish the beauty of the
cherry blossoms pink against the skies, and when the day slowly slides
into the bosom of the night, offer up a libation of red wine
for deliverance from today’s troubles. Tomorrow comes
tomorrow but till then revel in your perfect day.