Lessons Learned…

A Year of Lessons Learned – some at great cost – in no particular order:

  1. Doubts not dealt with at inception are unlikely to go away of their own accord, they are more likely to fester and then lead to a cataclysmic event;
  2. It is almost never ever about you alone, people can (and probably will) get hurt by the fallout of your (in)decisions;
  3. The health, quality and colour of the grass across the fence are notoriously difficult to predict, one is perhaps best minded to live by the dictum ‘a bird in hand is worth two in the bush’ ;
  4. Mutuality – another notoriously difficult thing to predict – is everything;
  5. There is nothing to be gained from overthinking things;
  6. Time is perhaps the greatest contributor to clarity and healing;
  7. God does still come through, only He does have a peculiar sense of timing.

For 2016?

To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, To gain all while you give, To roam the roads of lands remote; To run wild, love strong, live free… And keep enough pipes rusting to fund all that 

Hans Christian Anderson | For King and Country | TheRustGeek

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