The Hot Seat……

For Me….In the midst of potentially destabilizing change…

The hot seat … the hot seat…. The place where you are put on the spot, and come under the most intense scrutiny possible. Here, the basis of your Faith is rigorously examined and the coherence of your worldview is systematically evaluated. It is the zone where well meaning words become dry platitudes devoid of any soothing balm, where textbook solutions fall apart, where time tested strategies cannot even begin to scratch the surface of the sickness that a hope deferred brings.

Nothing can approximate the feelings – no 3D virtualization or discretized solution even comes close to describing the intrinsic complexity of the interplay between the various components of the shattered whole. Its dark there, a Darkness so intense you feel like the whole world is on your shoulders; like all the storm clouds decided to park their bus at your stop and your little smoldering light is almost extinguished by the virulent attack of the hordes of darkness.

Perhaps then is the time to gird up your loins, to remember what you learned in the light, to reach for the stable ground that is inerrant Truth, to remember that Someone has attributes that mean that He has the final say, that He is the silent orchestrator working ALL things together for your good, that if He cared enough to give up His begotten Son then dispelling the dark clouds is trivial and most importantly He has come through before. Perhaps it is then time to step back from the treadmill of life and take a look at the big picture again, the Universe that tells of His Power at work, and his infinite care in shaping you before time.

The stakes are high mate…. You can’t afford to lie down and quit….. Darkness comes for a season…. Weeping remains for the night, but Joy is on the verge of breaking out! Home is just around the corner. You’ll finally make it home!

29 thoughts on “The Hot Seat……

  1. Amen to this! God is such a great God, ultimately he has you covered. No worries, no shakings! All things will work for your good…amen!


  2. So inspiring…
    Everyone should take this as a motivation to achieve the unachievable and attain the unattainable.

    Enjoy your weekend dear.


  3. Oh wow…Danny…I totally loved this post.

    "It is the zone where well meaning words become dry platitudes devoid of any soothing balm"

    Tell me about it…just tell me. So true…


  4. @Original Mgbeke — Amen o.. Thanks
    @Jhazmyn — Great then.. I needed to convince myself in view of the various things that seemed like there were suddenly going awry!
    @Rose — Thanks!
    @Adaeze — Thanks.. Have a safe trip and enjoy grab some rest aight!
    @fantasy queen — true words.. thanks
    @sassy — True.. Thanks for stopping by.. Enjoy yours too!


  5. @Undercover — Thanks.. Have a great weekend yourself…
    @Rene — True… We all need to ponder stuff like this sometimes..
    @TigEress.. LOL. .Thanks.. I so NEEDED it myself… Still need it..
    @Spesh — Great to know then… Trust you had a great weekend then..
    @Chayoma — Thanks
    @Kafo — LOL.. Perhaps we all needed it at the time.. I still need it tho
    @Jaycee — True… I'd just gotten off the phone with a friend who was trying to offer well meaning words — they just didn't get to the root of stuff.. I LOOOVE 'shadowfeet' – also helps that Brooke Fraser has Hillsojng connections
    @Naughty Eyes — Same here mate… Looking forward to the break of dawn!
    @Deedo –Yes o… I needed it at the time.. Still do..

    Thanks for stopping by peeps


  6. There is always that challenge huh? Just when life is going good it seems to throw something at us…maybe because life is not about us. Haha by His mercy we go through valleys but maybe, since Heaven is our destination, then this life is one big valley. Sure the valley has it's ups and downs but it is a valley none the less. God's grace is ever upon us and His strength is what we stand on.


  7. Hey D, maybe this ain't the place to say this, but you've pro'ly noticed that i haven't been commenting on your blog for a while now. Well, i guess i'm a little dumber than usual but the thing is, each time i try to, i get this link that says "you are not a member of the followers of". And i get like, "but that blogsite belongs to me!! How da hell then am i not a member?
    Anyway, i finally decided to go thru the whole process of actually following my own blog, and – bingo, it worked! I can now comment on your blog again!

    Aint that most beautious?! 😀


  8. This is very profound!
    Lots of truth

    I agree with you 'that if He cared enough to give up His begotten Son then dispelling the dark clouds is trivial and most importantly He has come through before'

    We really cannot afford to lie down and quit

    I pray God helps me remember………Weeping remains for the night, but Joy is on the verge of breaking out.



  9. Hey,

    First and foremost, how come I don't get to have a read of the diary of the guy next door especially when it's about turning thirtyplus?

    I am sulking big time.

    Now let me go and read post


  10. Yes sir, quitting is not an option!

    You may not know the modus operandi for execution of the Master's will nor the timing for that matter but he'll do it again.

    Against all odds His will shall be done on this Planet.

    Suppose the other blog is your private diary so that's ok


  11. Pingback: Almost There…..

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